• Choosing A Good Social Media Consultant The power of social media is undeniable. It’s not just about being online; it’s about making a significant impact. And who better to guide you through this journey than a social media consultant? Selecting […]

  • The Top 10 Basic Copywriting Templates for Crafting Winning Campaigns In digital marketing, mastering copywriting templates is key to connecting with the fundamental aspects of human psychology. By aligning our strategies with The 8 Natural Human Needs, The 9 Learned […]

  • The 9 Learned Human Wants In digital marketing, the concept of ‘learned human wants’ stands out as a force driving consumer behaviour. Unlike basic needs essential for survival, these wants are shaped by our experiences and societal interactions, influencing every […]

  • The 8 Human Needs That Sell “When it comes to understanding human behaviour, it’s all about tapping into our most fundamental desires and human needs.” This realisation isn’t just a cornerstone of psychology; it’s the bedrock of effective marketing. Recognising […]

  • How a Social Media Marketing Agency Can Transform Your Brand In the digital world, staying ahead of the competition requires expertise, creativity, and a strategic approach. This is where a social media marketing agency comes in.  Having worked with some […]

  • Trends in Facebook Advertising: What’s new in 2024? The year 2024 is set to be a landmark period in the evolution of Facebook advertising, aligning with the latest advertising trends that are reshaping the digital marketing landscape. We’ll be navigating […]

  • How to Create a Successful Social Media Strategy After more than a decade (40,200+ hours) of doing digital marketing and social media full-time, here’s a simplified version of how to create a successful and effective social media strategy: Choose and […]

  • Use Hooks In LinkedIn Ads to Increase Ad Clicks by 200% Back in 2017, I was struggling to get people to click on my LinkedIn ads, let alone convert. I would write long, boring descriptions that lacked hooks. No one […]

  • What is Comparative Advertising and Can I Use It on Facebook? Comparative advertising is a type of advertising in which a company’s product or service is presented as superior to a competitor’s. This is done by directly or indirectly comparing […]

  • Want More LinkedIn Comments on your Posts? LinkedIn Comments matter in LinkedIn post reach because they are a signal to the LinkedIn algorithm that the content is engaging and valuable. The algorithm takes into account a number of factors when […]