Copywriting Course Module 2: Understanding the Brand

Understand the Brand Story

Understanding a brand’s history is crucial in building a strong foundation for your copywriting. The founding story of a brand highlights its origins, key milestones, and significant events that have shaped its journey. By knowing where a brand started and how it has grown, you can create content that resonates with its heritage. Evolution plays a vital role as it shows how the brand has adapted over time, responding to market changes and consumer needs. It demonstrates the brand’s ability to innovate and stay relevant in a constantly changing landscape.

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Besides that, the legacy of a brand is about honouring its long-standing values and the trust it has built over the years. Legacy is what keeps loyal customers coming back and attracts new ones who appreciate the brand’s commitment to its principles. Therefore, always emphasise the brand’s heritage and the journey it has taken to reach where it is today. This not only adds depth to your content but also builds credibility and trust.

Understand the Brand’s Identity

Brand identity is the essence of what a brand stands for. Core values are the fundamental beliefs that guide a brand’s actions and decisions. They are the non-negotiables that define its character. Understanding these values helps you align your copy with the brand’s true nature. The mission statement articulates the brand’s purpose and overarching goal. It answers the question of why the brand exists and what it aims to achieve.

Moreover, the vision statement defines the long-term aspirations of the brand. It’s the dream that the brand strives to turn into reality. Alongside, the brand personality gives a human touch to the brand, describing characteristics like friendliness, reliability, or innovation. This personality should come through in every piece of copy you write, making the brand relatable and consistent in its communications.

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Understand the Brand’s Market Positioning

Market positioning determines how a brand is perceived in the marketplace. The Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is what sets the brand apart from competitors. It’s the unique factor that makes the brand special and should be highlighted in your copy. Understanding the target audience is essential as it helps tailor the content to meet their specific needs and preferences. Knowing their demographic and psychographic traits allows you to speak directly to their desires and pain points.

Furthermore, analysing the competitive landscape provides insights into how the brand positions itself against others in the market. This helps in identifying opportunities to differentiate the brand and highlight its unique benefits. By knowing the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, you can craft messages that position the brand as the best choice.

Product/Service Offering

The product or service offering is at the heart of a brand. The portfolio overview gives a comprehensive look at what the brand offers. This includes the main products or services that are the brand’s primary focus. Key features highlight the most important attributes and benefits of these products or services, making it clear why customers should choose them. Always emphasise the unique aspects that set the brand’s offerings apart from competitors.

In addition, innovation plays a significant role in a brand’s product or service offering. Describe any unique technologies or processes used in creating these offerings. Innovation not only attracts customers but also shows that the brand is forward-thinking and continuously improving. Highlighting these aspects in your copy can create a compelling narrative that resonates with customers.

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Customer Experience

Customer experience is all about how customers interact with the brand at various touchpoints. Mapping out the customer journey helps you understand the typical experience a customer has with the brand, from discovery to purchase and beyond. This journey includes all the stages a customer goes through, allowing you to tailor your copy to enhance their experience at each stage.

Identifying key touchpoints is crucial as these are the moments when customers interact with the brand. These interactions could be through the website, social media, or customer service. Feedback mechanisms are also important as they show how the brand listens to and acts on customer feedback. Incorporating these elements in your copy ensures that it speaks directly to the customer’s experience, making them feel valued and understood.

Brand Communication

Brand communication defines how a brand speaks to its audience. The tone of voice describes the brand’s communication style, whether it’s formal, casual, or somewhere in between. This tone should be consistent across all channels to maintain a cohesive brand image. Messaging outlines the key messages the brand consistently conveys. These messages should align with the brand’s values and resonate with its audience.

Content strategy is a crucial part of brand communication. It explains the type of content the brand produces and how it aligns with its goals and audience needs. By understanding the content strategy, you can create copy that fits seamlessly into the brand’s overall communication plan. This ensures that every piece of content contributes to the brand’s objectives and engages its audience effectively.

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SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is a strategic tool that helps to understand a company’s internal and external factors. In the context of strengths, this analysis identifies the internal advantages and what the company excels at. These strengths should be prominently highlighted in your copy to build credibility and trust with your audience. By showcasing what the company does well, you can reinforce its reputation and reliability, making it more appealing to customers and stakeholders alike.

Conversely, weaknesses in a SWOT analysis focus on the company’s internal limitations and areas needing improvement. Acknowledging these weaknesses honestly can build authenticity and trust with your audience. It shows that the company is self-aware and committed to growth and development. By addressing these areas openly, you can position the company as transparent and trustworthy, willing to work on its shortcomings to provide better value to its customers.

Opportunities in a SWOT analysis recognise the external factors that the company can leverage for growth. These can include emerging market trends, technological advancements, or changes in consumer behaviour that the company can capitalise on. By identifying and acting on these opportunities, the company can expand its market reach, innovate its product offerings, and stay ahead of the competition. Highlighting these opportunities in your copy can show the company’s forward-thinking approach and its ability to adapt to a changing environment.

Threats in a SWOT analysis identify the external challenges and risks that could impact the company’s success. These can be market competition, economic downturns, regulatory changes, or other external pressures. By addressing these threats proactively, you can craft messages that reassure your audience about the company’s resilience and strategic planning. Demonstrating that the company is aware of these risks and has strategies in place to mitigate them can instil confidence in its long-term viability and stability.

Current and Future Goals and Strategies

Future goals and strategies outline the brand’s path forward. Short-term goals focus on immediate objectives the brand aims to achieve. These goals should be specific and measurable, providing a clear direction for the brand. Long-term goals define the brand’s vision for the future and its broader objectives. These goals should inspire and motivate both the brand and its audience.

Strategic initiatives detail the specific actions and plans the brand will implement to reach its goals. These initiatives should be practical and actionable, providing a roadmap for achieving the brand’s objectives. By understanding these goals and strategies, you can create copy that supports the brand’s vision and encourages the audience to join in its journey.

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Brand Analysis Tools and Metrics

Brand analysis tools and metrics are essential for measuring the brand’s performance. Brand health metrics introduce key performance indicators (KPIs) used to measure the brand’s strength and performance. These metrics provide insights into how well the brand is doing and where improvements can be made. Customer satisfaction describes methods for evaluating customer satisfaction and loyalty. Happy customers are often repeat customers, so this is a crucial metric to monitor.

Market research explains tools and techniques for gathering and analysing market data relevant to the brand. This research helps in understanding market trends and customer preferences, allowing you to tailor your copy to meet their needs. By using these tools and metrics, you can ensure that your copy is data-driven and aligned with the brand’s performance goals.

The 12 Brand Archetypes

Understanding the 12 brand archetypes helps in defining a brand’s personality. Each archetype has distinct characteristics that resonate with specific audience segments. For example, the Explorer is independent and adventurous, appealing to those who seek new experiences. The Lover is passionate and intimate, attracting those who value deep connections. The Hero is courageous and bold, inspiring those who seek to overcome challenges.

Other archetypes include the Outlaw, who is rebellious and disruptive, and the Magician, who is visionary and imaginative. Each archetype provides a framework for understanding how a brand communicates and interacts with its audience. By identifying the brand’s archetype, you can create copy that aligns with its personality and speaks directly to its target audience.

By focusing on these key elements, you’ll be equipped to create compelling and authentic copy that resonates with the brand’s audience and aligns with its identity and goals. Understanding the brand deeply will serve as the foundation for all future marketing and communication efforts, ensuring consistency and effectiveness.

Want to know more about the 12 brand archetypes? Then read How Brand Archetypes Sprout from Storytelling.

About the Author

Crom Salvatera, a seasoned digital marketing mentor and social media consultant, brings over two decades of experience in crafting compelling brand narratives and strategic marketing campaigns. With a deep understanding of brand identity and market positioning, Crom empowers businesses and creatives to maximise their online presence and achieve their goals. His expertise spans across SEO, copywriting, and innovative digital strategies, making him a trusted advisovr in the digital marketing landscape. Passionate about personal development and community building, Crom’s approach is both professional and approachable, ensuring that his insights are not only impactful but also engaging.

Like what you’re reading? Follow or connect with Crom Salvatera on LinkedIn to get more digital insights.